Angleterra concedeix ajudes addicionals per superar el stress que suposa cobrar tard la PAC

El Departament d'Agricultura d'anglaterra i Gales ( DEFRA) ha anunciat una ajuda inmediata de 100.000 lliures dirigit a les organitzacions caritatives i socials que actuen en el medi rural, amb l'objectiu de combatre l'angoixa i l'estress dels agricultors.
Segons Lord Bach: Ministre de l'Agricultura sostenible; " molts agricultors estan sofrint al tenir problemes de liquidesa econòmica, i això provoca una situació particularment estressant".
Cal recordar que més de la meitat dels agricultors, encara no han cobrat el Pagament Únic degut al caos administratiu. A més a més, Anglaterra ha sol·licitat el poder pagar més enllà de la data límit del 30 de juny.
Lourdes Viladomiu

S'adjunta text oficial del DEFRA ( Ministeri d'Agricultura Anglès)
Additional help for rural stress organisations
An additional £100,000 is being made available immediately to key rural support organisations who help farmers deal with stress, Minister for Sustainable Farming and Food, Lord Bach, announced today.
Five organisations with close links with the farming community are drawing up proposals for providing additional advice and emotional support for those most in need.
Lord Bach said: “From my meetings with the farming industry and individual farmers, I recognise that many are facing cash-flow problems in these difficult times. In order to help people who find these difficulties particularly stressful, we have substantially increased the amount of funding available to organisations dealing with hardship issues.
“However at the end of the day, these problems will only be solved with payments being made, which is why the Rural Payments Agency is working flat out to develop a partial payments system. This will deliver the greatest amount of money into the industry in the shortest possible time."
The latest figures from the RPA show that over £1/2 billion has been paid to almost half of all claimants as at 2 nd May.
Sir Don Curry, Chair of the Sustainable Farming and Food Strategy Delivery Group said: "I am very pleased that the Government has responded in this way to the pressure these important organisations are under. This will certainly help them in their essential work at this vital time."
